Rocket Wood Kit Spare Parts
Rocket Wood Kit Spare Parts
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Rocket Wood Kit Spare Parts
5 - 12 days
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This kit will make your favorite Rocket machine exceptional!
Consists of :
1 portafilter handle
2 knobs (hot water and steam, chrome caps not included)
1 brewing lever knob
Compatible with all new Rocket models including R58 / R60v / Giotto / Appartamento / Mozzafiato.
Faema: E61,Jubile , E61 Legend
Expobar: Office, EB61
Italia/Sv Sab
Grimac: Zola 11 Part no. GR331
Rocket R58 with square 6.6 mm socket
Rocket R60 with square 6.6 mm socket
Rocket Mozzafiato Evolutione R (from the middle of 2017),
Giotto Evolutione R (from the middle of 2017)
Rocket Giotto Appartamento (from the middle of 2017)
Rocket Giotto Type V,
Rocket Mozzafiato Type V,
Rocket Cronometero R/V
La scala: Eroica, Symphony - Part no. ScalaC 0199
Vibiemme: Chimaera , Cubo , Replica
SV Sab Italia
GA Gruppo Argentini, etc.
Models that have 6.6 mm square shaped steam/water knobs